Fonts may seem insignificant compared to brands’ logos, packaging, and marketing. However, brand fonts make a consistent, immediate impression upon consumers every day. To learn what your label typography says about your brand, continue reading our guide.
Serif fonts embody a classic typography aesthetic, making any brand appear timeless and old fashioned. This typography is very familiar and comfortable to consumers, encouraging trust and reliability for the products. Serif fonts include Times New Roman, EB Garamond, Playfair Display, Baskerville, and Merriweather.
If your typography uses sans-serif fonts, such as Helvetica, Arial, Opens Sans, Roboto, or Source Sans Pro, your brand is modern, clean, and minimalistic. Brands with this modern typography are often centered around a simple and direct overall brand image. Web and tech companies are the most common brands that use this minimalist typography.
Fonts such as Rockwell, Arvo, Courier New, Roboto Slab, and Rockwell are all members of the slab serif typography family. These fonts are more sharply shaped with thicker letters and blockier features. The boldness of these fonts reflects a brand that is confident in its products and business.
Mimicking the unique curves of cursive typography, script fonts represent a brand that embraces sophistication and distinction. Brands with script fonts also reflect a personal intimacy between products and consumers, which resembles handwritten notes to individual customers. Popular script fonts include Lucida Script, Allura, and Dancing Script.
Perhaps the most memorable or unique types of label typography are handwritten and decorative fonts. What this label typography says about your brand is that your business has a highly stylized personality.
When businesses first research tips for choosing label typography, personality and memorability are two critical elements to establishing a brand. Decorative and handwritten fonts embody both these challenges by creating a unique personality and recognizable brand image to consumers. Customers see brands with these labels as fresh and highly creative. Decorative fonts include Tattoo, Cute, Bangers, and Lobster Two.
Whether your business wants to reflect timeless reliability or a creative personality, choosing the right typography for your brand’s labels will effectively communicate company products to consumers.